When you buy a used car, you're looking at repairs down the line or even immediately. This doesn't mean you shouldn't buy the car, and it could even mean you can get a great deal on a vehicle if you shop wisely. Your local auto repair shop specialists are your experts in car repairs and can give helpful advice about whether you should buy a used car in need of repairs or not.
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Many transmission shops will offer two options for maintaining your car's automatic transmission. The first option, a traditional transmission service, doesn't involve removing all the old fluid from your car. On the other hand, a transmission flush uses a specialized machine to push the old fluid out and replace it with fresh fluid.
While the latter option may seem more advantageous, there are some good reasons why servicing your transmission may be better than scheduling a full flush.
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Most modern cars have a computer on board that serves many important functions. However, like with anything in a car, the computer, also known as an ECU, can break. Fortunately, an auto service might be able to identify what has gone wrong and repair your car.
Why the ECU is Important
An ECU serves many functions such as helping you avoid accidents and improving your gas mileage. When the unit is not functioning properly, your car will not perform like it should.
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Auto brake services should be part of your regular upkeep on your car or truck. However, there are times when your brakes may start to exhibit some issues that may be a sign they need an inspection and some replacement parts. Knowing when to take your car or truck in for service is essential, and some indicators will help warn you of a potential problem.
Poor Brake Performance
The brakes in your vehicle can lose effectiveness, and the brake pads wear out with use.
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The shifter cables in a manual transmission are what allow you to pick your desired gear. They're connected to the shift selector in the center console. When you move the shift selector, it pulls on the shifter cables. The shifter cables are connected to rods that move the shift assembly into the proper position for the gear that you're selecting.
Shifter cables are quite durable, but they can become loose over time or break.
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